Last Weekend At Block M

Last weekend, I went to Blok M with my cousins and family, and it was so much fun. The place was crowded, but that just made it more exciting. We walked around, checked out stores, and just enjoyed the place.

First, we went thrifting, which was honestly the best part. We had to walk through lots of store, but we found some really cool shirts for cheap. After that, we went to a sneaker store and ended up buying some shoes. It took forever to decide because there were too many good options, but in the end, we all got something we liked.

All that shopping made us super hungry, so we stopped at a Japanese street food place. We got pasta, gultik, sushi, and ramen, and everything was so good. We just sat there eating, talking, and joking around.

After that, we walked around, took some pictures, and just enjoyed. The neon lights and busy streets made it feel even cooler. Overall, it was a great weekend, and I can’t wait to do it again!
